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Informing Others
When somebody dies there are a lot of people and organisations who should be informed of the death.
Organisations to be informed of the death:
Car insurance - Documentation will have to be changed as you will not be legally insured to drive if the policy is in the deceased's name.
Social services / district nurses - if they were providing such things as meals on wheels, home help, or who may have supplied equipment such as wheel chairs, a bed etc.
Hospital and / or family doctor - where the person may have been attending prior to death.
Employer or professional association.
Inland revenue.
Social security - A form needs to be completed to cancel any direct debit payments into a bank account.This white certificate is provided by the Registrar of Deaths.
Local council - Cancel any housing/rate benefits and council tax.
Credit card and store card companies - Cancel cards and settle accounts.
Bank and building societies - Close accounts and amend joint accounts.
Investment and insurance or assurance companies - Note: Premium Bonds are not transferable.The Post office will issue you with a form to send to the bonds and stock office.
Store cards - Loyalty, charge and credit cards need to be cancelled.
Police station - If a private residence remains empty, contact the local police station so that they are aware.
Neighbours - so that they are aware that the house is empty.
Accountant.Items you may need to cancel:Milk - Newspapers - Lottery ticket - Appointments - Meals on wheelsHome help - Chiropodist - Dentist - Opticians - Hairdresser - Gardener Items to be returned:
Passport - To The Passport Office, UK Passport Agency, 5th Floor, India Building, Water Street, Liverpool.
Driving License - To D.V.L.A., Swansea SA99 1AB.
Vehicle registration documents - To change ownership.
Car insurance - To change Policy Holder's name or a refund.
Television license - To change name or obtain a refund.